Edmonton Spinal Traction Services

Fee: Included in regular assessment and treatment fees


In addition to other treatment avenues, including education, exercise, manual therapy and needling, Traction can make a profound change in spinal pain.


Back and neck pain are exceptionally common and can be particularly debilitating, limiting our capacity to sit, stand, walk or read for prolonged periods. 

Spinal traction is a form of decompression that relieves pressure on the spine.  Traction is used to treat facet impingement, herniated discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, and many other back and neck conditions.  At Corona Physio, we have a state of the art mechanical traction machine.  The machine is often used in conjunction with other treatment techniques including education on posture and sleeping positions, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and modalities.  Come experience the difference that traction can make in your back pain and overall function.

Book a Free 15-Minute Spinal Traction Consultation Today