Surprising Winter Activities in Edmonton

man running on trail in winter in front of Walterdale bridge in Edmonton

Winter greets our snowy city for many months of the year, but that doesn’t keep us from getting outside and staying active. We’ve brought a you a few highlights of activities you might be missing out on AND how to stay safe while trying them out!


Ice Climbing at the ACC Ice Wall

Person in black clothing with red helmet belays another climber as they reach the top of the urban ice wall in Edmonton

2023 ACC Ice Wall

We’re so lucky in Edmonton to have our very own ice wall run by the ACC Edmonton Section! This year, it found a new home in the Fan Park in the Ice District because the wall had to be built at a much larger scale. Why is that? Because our wonderful city is hosting the UIAA Ice Climbing World Championships!

You can probably tell that we’re extra keen on ice climbing since we are so involved in the climbing community here in Edmonton. Ice climbing is thrilling for many reasons; whether you’re living your Spiderman dream of scaling a vertical surface or you like the temperature regulation of outdoor sports, or the challenging environment of climbing a surface that is forever changing.

What gear would I need to climb the ice wall?

Person with red helmet and yellow jacket uses ice axes and other equipment to scale the ice climbing wall in downtown Edmonton

Photo courtesy of ACC Edmonton Section 2023

  • Crampons: These are metal spikes that attach to your boots and provide traction on the ice.

  • Ice Axes: Arguably the coolest part of the sport but also very practical. These help you with balance and vertical movement.

  • Safety Equipment: You’ll use a harness, ropes, a helmet, and some folk prefer to wear safety glasses as well.

  • Appropriate Winter Clothing: Wear layers! You’ll want insulated winter pants, a weather appropriate jacket (check to make sure you can lift your hands above your head), and a tight fitting toque for under your helmet. Don’t forget to wear warm wool or synthetic socks and water resistant/waterproof winter gloves are best!

How do I stay safe when ice climbing?

The best advise is to listen to the employees when you’re at a site-specific activity. Be sure if you’ve never climbed before, it’s always a good idea to start with an Intro to Ice Climbing course offering by YEG Ice (only $50!).

Here are some tips from our friends at the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) in Edmonton:

  • Keep your feet pigeon toed or perpendicular to the wall.

  • Keep your heels down.

  • Keep your hips in.

  • Don’t swing to hard. Look for places you can hook your tool.

  • Think about standing up on your feet and not pulling as much with your arms. The strength should come from your legs.

  • Think about maintaining a triangle. Top of the triangle is one tool and your feet are the bottom of the triangle.

  • Remember to breath and shake out your hands.

  • Take small successive steps with your feet.

  • Keep your arms as straight as possible.

You can try Ice Climbing in downtown Edmonton (weather permitting) through lessons, drop-ins, season passes, or you can buy your ticket to watch the professionals at the World Championships & YEG Ice Fest which will be held Feb 16-19, 2024!

Segway Tours

Not your first thought for winter activities, is it?! River Valley Adventure Co brings Segway Tours to Edmonton year round! Take advantage of these warm temperatures and take a tour around the river valley or downtown. This year they even have a Legislature Lights Tour- so be sure to check out that night time beauty!

How do I stay safe on Segway bikes?

Everyone starts with the Beginner Tour which starts with a training session so you know how to operate the Segway safely. The machine itself is known to be self-balancing but all participants wear helmets, just in case.

Enjoy your time this winter with your loved ones by trying a new outdoor activity!

Ice Skating & Ice Biking

Photo Credit: lo lindo @lolindo

Did you know that the City of Edmonton offers FREE Drop-in Skating at multiple indoor facilities around Edmonton? This unusually warm winter has closed a lot of our outdoor community rinks, but that doesn’t mean you have to go without! Grab your skates and your pals and head down to one of the participating arenas to enjoy this favourite Canadian hobby.

How do I stay safe when ice skating and ice biking?

Review the City guidelines for their Drop-in Skating here to stay informed on their general rules. Wear layers and remember that there’s no shame in wearing a helmet. If you’re new to skating (or haven’t been on the ice for a long time), it’s best to bring that protection for your noggin and avoid a concussion!

Afraid of falling? We’ve seen in it movies but the reality isn’t quite so romantic! When you feel yourself losing balance, try to keep in mind this advice:

  1. Get low (bend your knees).

  2. Tuck your head (protect yourself from your head hitting the ice).

  3. Try to fall to the side (You’re aiming for that cushy part of your butt rather than your tail bone or your wrists).

Not interested in skating or the activity isn’t suited for your body? Not a problem! Let’s talk about…

Ice Biking!

A blue ice bike has one rear wheel and two front sled legs for safe and accessible winter fun in Edmonton's Laurier Park. Background features a person in winter clothing at a hot chocolate station.

Part of the City’s Winter Recreation programming, you can try out one of these bikes in Laurier Park. You can find the full details here (scroll down past ice skating to find the Ice Bikes) and the hours and location here for this and other winter programming. Our favourite part of this FREE program is the promotion of a winter activity that is stable and accessible. Way to go Edmonton!

The Ice Bikes are weather permitting but we hope that once things cool off and the ice hardens, you’ll be out there having a grand time! Don’t forget…they have hot chocolate too!


There is no shortage of winter fun to have in our city. Remember to stay safe out there and pay attention to ice thickness in these warmer temperatures. If you do have an accident, know that we’re here with quality care to get you back out to doing the things you love!

Written by Ronnie, Physio Aide & Admin at Corona Station Physical Therapy


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