Edmonton TMJ (Jaw) Dysfunction Therapy

Assessment: $115 / Treatment: $90 - $100


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction and jaw pain, can be incredibly disruptive to daily life. If jaw pain is limiting your ability to eat or sleep, or is responsible for facial pain or headaches, we can help!


TMJ Physiotherapy For Jaw Pain

Jaw pain is usually a result of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) and may often be referred to simply as TMJ, which is the acronym of the joint itself. TMJ injuries or TMD can present with many symptoms including headaches, neck pain, clicking or popping, reduced mobility of the jaw, and pain in the joint with activities such as yawning or chewing.

The problem can develop after an injury, such as a blow to the head or face or a motor vehicle accident, or it can develop gradually over time. Contributing factors may include an injury, abnormal habits (grinding, clenching), emotional distress and joint disease such as arthritis. Our skilled Physiotherapists, Kerri Graham and Ehryn Crane, have specialized training and designations to offer advanced TMD care.


Book a Free 15-Minute TMJ Consultation Today