Aging Wisely: Improve Your Quality of Life

Aging aches, pains and slips: is it just how it is?

Today I’m writing you about feelings, not hard facts. That’s because I’m not a Physiotherapist, but I am a helper! As a support staff member at Corona Station Physiotherapy, I see and hear a lot in passing. I see people getting better and I also see a lot of people, like my own grandmother, accepting the status quo and not looking for improvement. It made me realize that sometimes we accept our situation because it is what we were expecting, or because we don’t think it could get better since we haven’t seen otherwise.

Let us help you, your mother or your grandmother, together. Here’s how:

Recognizing What We Can Improve

Spending afternoons with my grandmother was a wonderful part of my life, and yet one of the memories that I remember the most is hearing her say ‘Ouch!’ when getting up from the couch. Many times in our society we hear things like “I’m just getting old” or “Oooh, don’t get old- it’s painful”, and because of that it’s-just-part-of-getting-old mentality, we don’t recognize that there are things we can do to make life better for ourselves or our older family members. Let’s not accept the standard quo, and work to see when we can say “Let’s see if we can improve the pain in your knee” or “Let’s work on balance exercises together”.

Getting Active IS Getting Proactive!

I often hear “if you don’t use it, you lose it” and it is true- so let’s use it! Strengthening muscles can help improve endurance and reduce pain. You may have heard that before but, have you considered the benefits of strengthening your muscles as a means of improving balance and avoiding injuries? There is so much that can be done to improve balance and stability. One of the common fears amongst older adults is falling, or falling again. Don’t let that limit the lives of you or your loved one. Know that we can help!

Learn More With Us

Physiotherapist Ashley has completed courses in Advanced Vestibular Rehab Training and has been working with a growing client base on their balance and dizziness concerns. Later this month she is hosting a FREE seminar on Balance & Dizziness Management for Older Adults.

Here are the details:



TOPICS: what causes balance problems, how to improve your balance, and fall prevention strategies

If this article resonated with you, register here. If you’re ready to get started, book a Vestibular Assessment with Ashley today!

Written by: Ronnie, Administrator/Physio Aide


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