Women’s Health & Physiotherapy: Support Through Pregnancy

Spring is upon us! The days are longer, the sun is shining, and people are coming out of hibernation.  I find it suitable that Women’s Health Week falls in May, where new life surrounds and rejuvenates us.  This month’s blog is a tribute to new life, as I focus on pregnancy and birth.  As some of you may know, I have been on a journey to complete my Childbirth Educator Course.  My hope is that one day, I’ll be able to teach prenatal classes, alongside the current support I provide women through pregnancy, delivery and postpartum. “WHAT?!” you might be thinking… “Physical therapists can help women with this?”  Yes, we can.  Let’s walk through each phase and see what care physical therapists can provide through this incredible journey.


During pregnancy the body is going through so many changes; changes in size, hormones, activity levels, energy levels… It’s incredible how resilient our bodies are.  Unfortunately, sometimes these fast changes cause aches and pains.  Many pregnant women are unsure of what they should or shouldn’t be doing in terms of activities and exercise.  A physical therapist can help treat any associated pregnancy pain, including low back, hip, pubic symphysis and SI joint pain.  We can provide education on pregnancy ergonomics.  We can also help develop a custom exercise program for each trimester of pregnancy, using the best guidelines and research for safe exercise in pregnancy.  


One of my favorite physical therapy appointments is my Birth Prep session.  This session is an hour-long session that you and your partner can attend.  It focuses on information to help you have a successful labour and delivery.  Topics covered include:

  • Activity and exercise for the third trimester

  • Perineal stretching

  • Tips for being active during labour

  • Tips for a successful delivery

  • Self-care for mom post-delivery (for both vaginal and c-section deliveries)


At 6 weeks post-partum we will do a post-partum checkup.  At this appointment we will:

  • Listen to your birth story

  • Create activity and exercise goals

  • Screen for issues like incontinence, urgency, post-partum pelvic pain

  • Assess perineal scarring or c-section scaring, prolapse and diastasis recti

  • Provide education on things like returning to sex, mom ergonomics and returning to activity and exercise

  • Provide a custom exercise program 

  • Provide community supports such as lactation consultants or psychologists as needed

Credit: @picsea

Selfishly, I love this appointment because often get to meet the new babies!  Our clinic is baby and kid friendly, so if you want to bring your little ones, please do.

After this appointment your physical therapy sessions will depend on any issues that came up during your assessment, along with what your goals are.  For my moms who are looking to return to running, I provide running gait analysis and post-partum return to running programs.  

If you have any questions about our Women’s Health Services please contact the clinic at 780-424-4804 and I’d be happy to chat!


Written by: Chantal Pinsent, MScPT, CAFCI, Dry Needling Certified


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